Pullman Proud

The small, yet growing city of Pullman, WA is experiencing a myriad of growing pains due to its increasing population bumping against the natural transiency of a college town.

Pullman 2040 (a grassroots visioning committee supported by various public and private groups) led new energy in the city and residents by coordinating a long-term vision for the community.

The Recraft team wrote and produced the “Pullman Proud” video as a tribute to the town’s unique culture and values: a place that welcomes people from all over the world while giving freely of its goods, education, and quality of life.

Town / Gown

The city of Pullman, WA experienced a sudden influx of national attention when it was visited by ESPN’s College Gameday broadcast in October 2018.

With only six days of notice, the potential for chaos and disorder was high! But a newfound collaborative partnership between city officials and university leadership culminated in a wildly successful gameday experience, leaving the entire WSU Cougar / Pullman fanbase on cloud nine.

Recraft was consulted to produce a series of videos highlighting the benefits of the Town/Gown relationship, showing the positive results of strong collaboration between university leadership and city government.

Prison Fellowship International

Prison Fellowship International (PFI) operates an extensive network of overseas ministries that directly serve incarcerated individuals and their loved ones. PFI’s innovative approach to helping the often-overlooked children of prisoners worldwide has impacted the lives of thousands of vulnerable young people every year.

PFI partnered with The Fellowship Network to encourage local support of the ministry through a one-on-one sponsorship program. This pioneering approach required local buy-in from congregations to raise support.

Recraft collaborated with a team of U.S.-based advocates to create marketing materials in print, online, and video.

Highways in the Wilderness

The Fellowship Network (TFN) is a ministerial association designed to provide best practices and tax covering to ministers, churches, and nonprofits. The network needed a conference opener video to kick off its annual gathering in 2019. The meeting was attended by a mix of established and new members, calling for a rallying theme that would honor the past while looking towards the future.

“Highways in the Wilderness” is a biblical concept that speaks to the ministry’s pioneering history and preparing a way for greater things to come. The striking view of a two-lane road cut out of solid rock in an endless field of lava provided the perfect image of the metaphor.

Hospital Culture

Pullman Regional Hospital (PRH) has the distinction of being a medium-sized care center with a high-caliber surgical capacity. Its excellence and customer service culture has allowed it to expand its reach far beyond the typical scope of a rural hospital.

PRH consulted with Recraft to create a campaign that highlights the unique culture of care at the hospital.

River Highway

The Columbia-Snake River System is a 465-mile long water route providing slackwater freight passage from the Portland, Oregon seaport to Lewiston, Idaho. The route is a vital part of the region’s agriculture industry, transporting over 2.5 million metric tonnes of grain each year.

Consisting of 8 lock and dam facilities and 20 ports, the River Highway is a vital part of the Pacific Northwest’s infrastructure and supports thousands of jobs across several states.

This time-lapse project shows the journey of a typical grain barge from the Snake River’s upper reaches to (nearly) its destination in the lower Columbia River gorge. Along the way, you encounter rugged canyons, soaring wildlife, massive bridges, and see our nation’s most efficient and carbon-friendly transportation method in action.

Hospital Gala Opener video

Pullman Regional Hospital (PRH) has the distinction of being a medium-sized care center with a high-quality surgical capacity. Its excellence and customer service culture has allowed it to expand its reach far beyond the typical scope of a rural hospital.

PRH consulted with Recraft to develop content supporting an ongoing campaign to boost pride and ownership from the local community. With several exciting expansion possibilities on the horizon, Pullman Regional has relied on Recraft for innovative messaging and spot-on execution of sensitive subject matter and appeals for public support.

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