California Workforce Association

The California Workforce Association partnered with Recraft Creative on various marketing initiatives, including collateral design and promotional video production.

The Fellowship Network

The Fellowship Network (formerly the Full Gospel Fellowship of Churches and Ministers International) is a ministerial association founded in 1962 by Rev. Gordon Lindsay. It emphasizes equipping and tax covering for thousands of independent churches, nonprofit organizations, and ministers around the world.

The Fellowship partnered with Recraft to modernize their internal membership management system while improving their public-facing web presence. Since 2017, Recraft has launched an online membership portal, produced over 100 hours of original content, and seen digital engagement increase by 250%.

Living Faith Legacy capital campaign

Living Faith Fellowship is a local church with a strong emphasis on college ministry and leadership training. In 2018, the local church undertook a capital campaign to retire debt, reconnect with alumni, and build support for future ministry work.

Living Faith consulted with Recraft Creative for strategic messaging and marketing communications. Print materials, video content, and a new alumni website were all delivered across the two-and-a-half year-long campaign.

Washington community college impact study

The Washington State Board of Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) partnered with Economic Modeling Specialists International (Emsi) to quantify its community college system’s direct and indirect impacts on the local economy. The results of the report were encouraging but difficult to comprehend to the general public.

SBCTC partnered with Recraft to develop a series of videos explaining the impact study and illustrating the benefits brought to Washington communities and businesses. Recraft produced a 90-second general overview video detailing the impact study, plus a series of 30-second TV spots focusing on specific industry benefits.

Big ideas for Health

Washington State University chose “Big Ideas for Health” as one of its five core messages for its 2010-2015 capital campaign. However, the university was lacking a formal medical program at the time, forcing the messaging to take on a research and industry focus.

The Recraft team spent several months cultivating the connections between scientists and industry partners to deliver this feature video. The project illustrated the link between applied science in the lab and public safety in the real world, forwarding the institution’s advancement goals and helping to meet its $1 billion fundraising goal.

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