California Workforce Association

The California Workforce Association partnered with Recraft Creative on various marketing initiatives, including collateral design and promotional video production.

San Bernardino impact study

San Bernardino Collumity College District (SBCCD) encompasses two major colleges in the Inland Empire, plus several training centers and a TV station. SBCCD contracted with Recraft to help reinvigorate its image with the public by illustrating the real-world benefit they bring to the local economy.

Pullman Proud

The small, yet growing city of Pullman, WA is experiencing a myriad of growing pains due to its increasing population bumping against the natural transiency of a college town.

Pullman 2040 (a grassroots visioning committee supported by various public and private groups) led new energy in the city and residents by coordinating a long-term vision for the community.

The Recraft team wrote and produced the “Pullman Proud” video as a tribute to the town’s unique culture and values: a place that welcomes people from all over the world while giving freely of its goods, education, and quality of life.

Town / Gown

The city of Pullman, WA experienced a sudden influx of national attention when it was visited by ESPN’s College Gameday broadcast in October 2018.

With only six days of notice, the potential for chaos and disorder was high! But a newfound collaborative partnership between city officials and university leadership culminated in a wildly successful gameday experience, leaving the entire WSU Cougar / Pullman fanbase on cloud nine.

Recraft was consulted to produce a series of videos highlighting the benefits of the Town/Gown relationship, showing the positive results of strong collaboration between university leadership and city government.

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